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Feeling Virtual With Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) has been around for some time, but only recently has it become mainstream, while augmented reality (AR) is even newer and has been around for less time.

Either way, both VR and AR are used in a wide range of applications, including video games, movies, and other applications. They are both very exciting technologies that are changing our world.

What does VR/AR mean for us now? Let’s explore further how these technologies are, how they work, and how they can benefit us.

What Are Virtual and Augmented Realities?

Virtual reality or VR is a technology that allows users to immerse themselves in a computer-generated virtual environment. It’s like being there physically but without the physical presence of you. The experience may be visual, auditory, olfactory, or haptic.

Augmented reality or AR is similar except that the user sees digital information overlaid onto their real-world view. In other words, it is an extension of this concept where digital information superimposes itself over real objects.

So, when we look at something, we see the real thing plus the additional info digitally added. Again, this could be anything – text, images, videos, etc.

Both virtual and augmented realities are two technologies that change the way we interact with each other and the world around us. They allow people to experience anything from walking through an exotic landscape to flying over buildings or even playing sports in front of thousands of fans. Virtual reality also enables you to be anywhere at any time while using your phone or headset. It immerses you into a different world.

Is Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality the Same?

No, they are not the same. As mentioned earlier, augmented reality is a live view of the real world that computer-generated images have enhanced, sounds, and other sensory input. On the other hand, virtual reality is an entirely artificial environment that the user enters via software, hardware, or a brain-machine interface.

VR and AR are different technologies, but they often overlap due to their similarities in terms of usage.

Virtual reality and augmented reality are two different experiences. Virtual reality is a fully immersive experience that creates the illusion of being in a virtual environment. In contrast, augmented reality can be seen as an overlay or extension to our current physical world.

To add to this, AR uses digital content to create an additional layer of information or data. At the same time, VR removes the need for a screen by immersing you in a computer-generated world.

Why Use VR and AR?

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Both of them are becoming increasingly popular for many use cases. This also applies to business purposes. They allow users to experience things they would otherwise never be able to do.

For example, virtual reality lets users visit places they could only dream about visiting, such as space, while augmented reality lets them interact with objects they couldn’t usually touch. These technologies are also helpful for training purposes, allowing companies to train their trainees remotely.

It’s an experience where you feel as if you were actually present at the location of your choice within the digital space. This idea is to create an immersive experience where everything around you looks real, but what you see isn’t really there.

You don’t have any physical presence in the actual place; instead, you feel like you’re physically present in another place through the use of 3D graphics, audio, and sometimes motion tracking.

The main benefit of using virtual reality and augmented reality is that it allows users to explore new worlds. For example, virtual reality will enable you to travel to distant planets, walk on the moon, fly through outer space, and more.

In the business setting, it will allow you to conduct virtual meetings, attend conferences without leaving home, and much more.

It’s also possible to use these technologies to help solve problems. For instance, virtual reality allows trainers and trainees alike to try out new things, saving money and time.

Another advantage of using both realities is that it helps reduce stress levels and improve productivity. This is because it makes trainers and trainees less likely to get distracted when conducting virtual classes.

Feeling Virtual With Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

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Virtual and augmented realities are closer to daily life than ever before. They are the next big thing in technology that will change our lives, but it still has a long way to go.

While the exact definition varies, augmented reality and virtual reality are both technologies that allow people to experience digital information in their real environment.

At Salt Tech Solutions, we provide custom AR & VR solutions for businesses that want to take advantage of these emerging technologies. We work closely with clients to understand their needs and then design a solution that meets those needs.

We offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Design & Development
  • Implementation
  • Training
  • Support

Our team of experts will help you get started with the right technology for your business. Contact us today!

Drop by our Penang office at 16, Bishop St, 10200 George Town, Penang.

You can also schedule a session with us on Hubspot today!
